2-5 Years
It is important when deciding on which Commercial Playground Structure to purchase for your park, school, day care, or other institution, that you take into account the age range of the children most likely to use it. This is especially true for younger kids, as some structures not only designed with certain skill levels involved in the learning objectives and play activities included, but with certain safety parameters to minimize accidents and injuries as well. The following systems from All People Can Play are constructed with children ages 2 to 5 in mind. Fall heights from raised decks and climbers are shorter than our other structures, and activity panels and other components are intended to increase the fun factor.
B-30008 Western 2-5$54,341.81
- Age Range: 2 to 5
- Use Zone: 30'3" x 30'3"
- Child Capacity: 20-35
- Fall Height: 5'0"